Peer Review Policy of JMC Research Journal:

At JMC Research Journal (RMCRJ), our peer review policy is crafted with the utmost commitment to upholding the highest standards of academic rigor and integrity. The primary objective of our peer review process is to ensure that all published research meets the scholarly criteria for excellence, originality, and significance within the diverse disciplines of education, management, information technology, literature, mathematical sciences, and social sciences.

We employ a robust peer review system that includes Double-Blinds. Our reviewers are selected based on their expertise, academic credentials, and diverse backgrounds, encouraging a holistic evaluation process. The review process commences with an initial editorial assessment to ensure alignment with our journal's scope and standards. Submissions meeting these criteria undergo thorough evaluation by reviewers who provide detailed assessments on originality, methodology, clarity, significance, and ethical considerations.

The Editorial Board, led by the Editor-in-Chief , assesses reviewers' comments and makes decisions based on the merit of the reviews. Authors receive anonymized comments to ensure confidentiality and fairness in the decision-making process. The editorial team reserves the right to accept, reject, or request revisions based on the feedback received.

We emphasize ethical considerations, expecting reviewers to maintain confidentiality and authors to provide accurate, original work with proper citations and disclosure of conflicts of interest. Timeliness is crucial, and we encourage reviewers to submit evaluations within stipulated timelines to facilitate prompt publication.

Authors have the opportunity to appeal editorial decisions through a detailed rebuttal process, and any complaints related to the review process or ethical concerns are promptly addressed by the editorial board.

Transparency is a cornerstone of our review process, and we are open to optional open review arrangements where reviewer and author identities are disclosed upon mutual agreement. The journal regularly evaluates its peer review process, aiming for continuous improvement aligned with best practices and evolving academic standards. We acknowledge and appreciate the invaluable contributions of our reviewers, ensuring formal recognition in the journal or other means. Accepted manuscripts are published promptly, promoting broad dissemination and accessibility within the academic community.

In summary, our peer review policy at JMC Research Journal (RMCRJ) is designed to ensure the scholarly excellence, integrity, and impactful dissemination of high-quality research across diverse disciplines.

Plagiarism Check Policy

JMC Research Journal employs Turnitin plagiarism checker software to uphold the integrity and originality of submitted papers. By submitting your work to JMCRJ, you consent to plagiarism checks at any stage of the review process. It is crucial to note the following:

Misconduct Warning: Any instance of duplicate submission, fabrication of data, breach of participant confidentiality, improper attribution of authorship, or inclusion of plagiarized text will result in a warning for the author(s) regarding misconduct.

Opportunity for Rework: Authors are granted an opportunity for rework in cases of identified issues. However, if these same issues persist upon resubmission, it will be considered a deliberate act.

Consequences of Deliberate Misconduct: Deliberate repetition of the aforementioned misconduct in the resubmitted work will lead to severe consequences. The author will be barred from submitting any articles, including original submissions, to JMC research Journal for a period of two years.

JMC research Journal is committed to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and expects authors to adhere strictly to ethical guidelines. We encourage authors to ensure the originality and authenticity of their submissions to avoid any unintended repercussions.

Call for Articles

The Editorial Board of the Janamaitri Research Journal announces a call for research articles for the upcoming issue of the journal to appear in 2024. It accepts empirical papers from various disciplines.  Original articles of 5000-7000 are considered for review. Submissions can be made through We are interested in papers relevant to the following topics. 
•    Arts 
•    Business, Economics and Management
•    Education and Social work
•    Health Sciences 
•    Humanities 
•    English Education 
•    Nepali Education 
•    Mathematics and Computer Science