About the Journal

JMC Research Journal (RMCRJ) is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal published annually by Research Management Cell, Janamaitri Multiple Campus, Nepal. The main purpose of the Journal is to inspire scholarly discussion by providing forum in the knowledge building process on various education and social issues. It aims to disseminate original research work among individuals for the advancement of education and its process. To achieve the main purpose, we accept articles from various disciplines.  JMCRJ invites scholarly papers from all authors in different disciplines. We request your support for the accomplishment of our purpose. 

Aims and Scope

The aim of the journal is to offer a platform for authors seeking to disseminate their research findings to scholars across various disciplines. The dissemination of information enhances the impact of research, enabling other scholars to further contribute to the knowledge creation processThe aim of the journal is to offer a platform for authors seeking to disseminate their research findings to scholars across various disciplines. The dissemination of information enhances the impact of research, enabling other scholars to further contribute to the knowledge creation process. It deals with the current issues and concerns regarding educational system, educational development, teaching-learning pedagogy, information and communication system, management, curriculum-related issues, and the role of community and institution in educational development.

Mr. Anil Prasad Bhusal